August 2001 - big trip - diary - usa - august 2001


Endlessly straight roads and baking heat..

...on the way to LA...

...via Zzyzx Road

Friday 18 - 21 August

The drive to LA was a waking nightmare being baked by the hot wind coming into the landy air vents. It was 40C (109F) in the shade and felt like 20 more in the sun! The oven-like levels of heat generated in the drivers footwell was actually lower than the air temperature outside for once. Eventually we made it over yet another crest to see LA under a thick yellowish smog soup.

View of LA from Mulholland Drive

The landy dreams of its future stardom

We decided not to consult the psychic cat

We drove through LA into Santa Monica and spotted the Pacific Ocean for the first time. This place had a slight European feel around the 3rd street promenade area. We found some bars and clubs but it was a bit of a let down after Ra in Vegas. The nightlife and hot driving from Vegas got the better of us and we headed off to find a campsite. By a huge stroke of luck, or our honed skill in finding wicked camp sites, we found an area of waste land near Malibu Beach. Showering was easily solved by using the beach showers despite the funny looks.

The next night was Tom's birthday and we were supposed to meet various people in LA, but nothing worked out and we were left to fend for ourselves. It wasn't very memorable and we just wanted to get out of the USA and into Mexico. Our last stop in LA was to meet Sandra who'd already driven with her husband, Francois, through Central America a couple of years ago. She gave us lots of good advice and looked after us - it was great to meet her. Check out their website.

Sandra and her Toyota

Quality (motor) assurance

The border at Tijuana

Border fence at Tijuana - 3 helicopters overhead

Landy Mexican passport

No passport

We pushed on to the border, skipping San Diego and reaching Tijuana by 3pm. First stop was 3rd party insurance which is not strictly needed in Mexico but it keeps you out of jail if we write off a trafficantes new Ferrari on a mountain road. We somehow managed to get our tourist passes and the permit for the car for the maximum 180 days within an hour but then realised that we hadn't handed in the US customs papers from Houston. The office we needed had closed at 4pm so we headed out of Tijuana to find a campsite. 36 kilometers out theres a spot overlooking the beach were old surfers live in battered camper vans so we stopped there. We've picked up some surfing tips so when we head back to the US side tomorrow we'll pick up a couple of used surf boards in San Diego 'cos they're cheaper than in Mexico.

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